Transition Salt Spring Society is the only organization on Salt Spring devoted exclusively to addressing the climate crisis. Our focus is on mobilizing islanders and the organizations that serve them to lower emissions and help prepare for the increasing climate change risks faced by our community and our ecosystems. To get there, we all need to paddle together. The climate crisis requires us to collaborate in new ways from the individual to the organisational level.
We work on climate action on Salt Spring Island through leading various projects, hosting educational events, supporting networking and collaboration, supporting our working groups, and advocating for a more resilient island. We work with local businesses, government, nonprofits, First Nations and you to bring climate action to the forefront of everyday decision-making. Transition Salt Spring's initiatives are driven by the Salt Spring Island Climate Action Plan and its 250 recommendations for change in how we get around, build, eat, grow, and live in relationship to our freshwater and forest ecosystems.
At Transition, we think the environment, economy and community can work together to benefit everyone. Think clean green jobs in regenerative forestry and ecosystem stewardship that help our lands remain healthy in the face of drought, rising temperatures and degraded ecosystems. Think sustainably built housing with low ecological footprints for a diverse population of various incomes. Imagine an island economy utterly dependent on and supporting ecosystems that feed our souls, bodies, and families. From public outreach and education to model policy development and ecological restoration: Transition is about working together.
Salt Spring Island is located on the traditional unceded territories of several First Nations, including the SENĆOŦEN and Hul'qumi'num speaking peoples. We recognise that reconciliation with First Nations is a crucial path we need to follow to achieve climate justice for all. Traditional knowledge is essential to help us come together and build the resilience we need to thrive as our climate becomes warmer and unpredictable.
Join us and help us make Salt Spring Island One Cool Island!
Our Mission, Vision, and Values
Our Mission
Responding to climate change.
Restoring ecosystems.
Reimagining community.
Our Vision
Transition Salt Spring envisions our island as a thriving community, resilient to climate change.
Our Values
Doing Transition successfully is about finding a balance between the Head, Heart & Hands.
(see details here with thanks to the Global Transition Network values statement).
Our Mission, Vision, and Values

Our Mission
Responding to climate change.
Restoring ecosystems.
Reimagining community.
Our Vision
Transition Salt Spring envisions our island as a thriving community, resilient to climate change.

Our Values
Doing Transition successfully is about finding a balance between the Head, Heart & Hands.
(see details here with thanks to the Global Transition Network values statement).
Our Values
The Head: We act on the basis of the best information and evidence available, and apply our collective intelligence to find better ways of living.
The Heart: We work with compassion, valuing and paying attention to the emotional, psychological, relational and social aspects of the work we do.
The Hands: We turn our vision and ideas into a tangible reality, initiating practical projects and starting to build a new, healthy community in the place we live.
The urgent need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, greatly reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and make wise use of precious resources is at the forefront of everything we do.
The most marginalized people in our societies are likely to be worst affected by climate change. We want to increase the chances of all groups in society to live healthy and sustainable lives. We know that learning how to increase the diversity of people and groups in our work will strengthen all of our efforts, and we commit to learning about and taking action on systemic racism and inequality.
(Subsidiarity: self-organisation and decision making at the appropriate level). Our intention is not to centralise or control decision making, but rather to make decisions at the most appropriate, practical and empowering level.
In responding to urgent, global challenges, individuals and groups can end up feeling stressed, closed or driven rather than open, connected and creative. We recognize that we cannot get everything accomplished all at once.
We work together as a community, unleashing our collective genius to have a greater impact together than we can as individuals. We will look for opportunities to build creative and powerful partnerships and develop a collaborative culture, finding links between projects, creating open decision-making processes and designing events and activities that help people make connections.
We seek to balance the times when we’re busily getting things done. We explore different ways of working which engage our heads, hands and hearts and enable us to develop collaborative and trusting relationships.
Transition is a real-life, real-time social experiment. Working collaboratively and across difference means we can create change more quickly and more effectively, drawing on each other’s experiences and insights. We want to acknowledge and learn from failure as well as success – if we’re going to be bold and find new ways of living and working, we won’t always get it right the first time. We will be flexible and remain open about our processes and will actively seek and respond positively to feedback.
Ideas can be taken up rapidly, widely and effectively because each part of the organization takes ownership of the process themselves.
Our primary focus is not on being against things, but on developing and promoting positive possibilities. We believe in using creative ways to engage and involve people, encouraging them to imagine the future they want to inhabit. The generation of new stories is central to this visioning work, as is having fun and celebrating success.
Our role
What we offer:
- an ally to existing groups
- initiator and incubator of new projects,
- an umbrella organisation for programs that foster local economic resilience and reduce fossil-fuel dependence.
Ongoing and new projects rely on us for:
- non-profit status
- record-keeping and bookkeeping
- directors insurance and liability insurance
- a place to initiate new projects
- our calendar and newsletter
- tech and event support
- networking and communications support
Your donations and fundraising make all of the above possible, including many ongoing initiatives.
Transition Salt Spring History
The “Transition” movement has been growing since 2006 in Totnes, England by Rob Hopkins who's idea spread quickly to other towns in the UK and then across the globe. Transition Salt Spring Society actually predates the international Transition movement as it was originally established in 1997 as the Earth Festival Society. By 2013, they decided to officially join the Transition movement and changed the name to Transition Salt Spring Society in January 2014.