History of Climate Action on Salt Spring

Climate Action Plan Release

The Salt Spring Climate Action Plan will be fully released on Tuesday March 2nd. The webinar will be live, and the presenters will be Bryan Young of Transition Salt Spring and one of the lead authors of the plan, Elizabeth May, our MP, and Gary Holman, our CRD Director. To participate in the live public online…

Climate Action Plan Presentation Day

Saturday November 30th, 10am to noon Work on the update to the Salt Spring Climate Action Plan is getting underway. As a community we need to discuss how we are going to going to meet our targets for greenhouse gas emissions and at the same time plan for the adaptation measures needed to meet the…

Climate Emergency

The Islands Trust will shortly be holding a meeting, you are invited to sign a petition to the  Trust to declare a CLIMATE EMERGENCY in the Trust Area. It will be submitted to Trust Council on March 12-14, 2019 https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/975/183/497/        Please share freely. Alternatively, you can  send an email to Trust Council at:  info@islandstrust.bc.ca  

Climate Action for Salt Spring

A Climate Action Workshop was recently held by the Climate Action Group in association with the CRD Director and the Islands Trust, plus representatives from other groups on the island.  The report is being prepared but a closing statement was agreed by all present: “The climate crisis is real, it is already affecting Salt Spring,…

Sea Level Rise Workshop

This is a reminder that the Islands Trust will be hosting, with Living Oceans, a sea level rise workshop on Monday, January 28, 2019 on Salt Spring Island (details below). This workshop is designed to help communities begin planning for the impacts of sea level rise. The goal is to share information on sea level…

Wind storm 2019 – Outlier?

Was the storm the shape of things to come or a once on a lifetime outlier? Is climate change making itself felt in BC and in particular on Salt Spring Island or can we claim that any changes in the weather are due entirely to cyclical climate variability? BC Hydro certainly feel that change is…

Island Trust to Discuss Climate Change

The Islands Trust Council is having its next quarterly meeting on March 13-15 which will be held on Salt Spring at the Harbour House Hotel. The Council schedule  includes a working session for Trustees on “ Adapting to Climate Change” that will take place from 9.30-11.00 am on Wednesday the 14th, this session is open…

BC Auditor General Faults Government Climate Plans

From CBC News, 13th February 2018 “British Columbia has no clear plan to prevent threats such as wildfires, flooding and drought as it works to adapt to the risks posed by climate change, the province’s auditor general says. Carol Bellringer says there is little monitoring of progress and reporting on performance involving the ministries of…

2017 Third Warmest Year

2017 was recorded as the third warmest year in the period 1880 to 2017, only beaten by 2016 and 2015.  This was despite the lack of an El Nino, which is believed to have affected the temperatures in the two previous years.  The anomaly was around 0.9 C above the average for the period. Reference: …

SSI Energy Strategy – Archive

Salt Spring Energy Strategy Objectives: • Save Energy • Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Reduce Air Pollution Targets: over 20% reductions by 2012 (to keep our energy consumption and emissions at 2002 levels) Global climate change and our individual contributions to Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are the cause of ever-increasing average global temperatures and associated…