What can I do?
Reducing Wildfire Risks & Biochar: TSS Members Travel to Clearwater, BC, to Talk About Forest Resiliency
On April 5th and 6th, Grace Fields, the TSS Project Coordinator for the Climate Adaptation Research Lab (CARL), and Brian Smallshaw (Biochar Working Group Lead) travelled up to Clearwater, BC, to speak to community members on improving the resiliency of their forests to climate change and wildfire. On Friday evening, organized by Astrid Arumae of…
Don’t Miss Salt Spring’s First Repair Cafe!
Saturday, February 3rd10:30 am – 1:30 pm Salt Spring Public LibraryOur volunteer repair experts can help with textiles, small appliances, electronics, and general repairs. Ever wondered what to do with that broken toaster, a non-functional lamp, or a sweater that’s seen better days?Our answer: Don’t toss it! Instead, bring it to the Repair Cafe where a team…
Growing native plants is very rewarding and helps provide important habitat for local birds, animals and pollinators. Native Plants: • Are adapted to your climate • Are drought tolerant • Are resistant to diseases and pests • Low maintenance • Add beauty and interest • Promote bio-diversity • Invite and sustain local wildlife • Support…
What do the TSS Working Groups do?
An Interview with Jean Wilkinson from the Native Plant Stewardship Group At the heart of our organisation are five dedicated board members and five part-time staff and extending out from this heart are a TON of volunteers forming committees and working groups. The Native Plant Stewardship Group is one of many TSS working groups. This…
Treasurer Info
Are you passionate about climate action and want to make a difference? We are looking for a Board member to join our dynamic team as Treasurer. If you’d like to give back to your community please consider contacting us about this exciting opportunity! About TSS We are a community-led response to global climate change. We…
Warmth: Coming of Age at the End of Our World by Daniel Sherrell
Book Review by Brian Day Warmth is a book I needed to be written. It is not a book about the science of climate change, projections for the planet’s future, or the specifics of what needs to be done to address rising global temperature. It is rather a book about living under the shadow of…
Locally made films on regenerative ways of living at Appleturnover farm.
Check out these awesome homegrown films by Elisa Rathje and family at www.appleturnover.tv on Salt Spring Island, BC Wood stove cookery, continuous improvement + permaculture in episode 1 of the journal of small work The journal of small work* is the first episode of the new appleturnover series. How can we live well within the limits…
Freshwater on an island: Salt Spring, British Columbia, Canada- Video
A short, Salt Spring Island Water Preservation Society (SSIWPS) freshwater awareness film. The “Freshwater Salt Spring” WPS film short, is part of a larger parallel, educational video initiative for youth and adult viewers – a “Salt Spring Island (SSI) Watershed Stewardship” documentary film. Using the context of our SSI watersheds, the film will draw on,…
BLOWER DOOR TEST on Salt Spring Island
HOME ENERGY ASSESSOR Dion Hackett does a blower door test.
$ave Big with Home Energy Assessments, Insulation and Draft Sealing Webinar- Video
Thanks for attending$ave Big with Home Energy Assessments, Insulation and Draft Sealing7 pm Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2021 We enjoyed a great evening of learning with Home Energy Assessment professionals Mike Jackman, Aron Dalton, and Dion Hackett, as well as a Community Energy Coach from the Clean BC Better Homes Program. Please find the recorded video here and…
Video- Forests, Water, Fire … An evening of dynamic discussion on how to beat the heat and steward our own backyard
Wednesday, October 27, 2021 6:30 – 8:30 pm via zoom Thank you to all who joined us for this dynamic discussion with Dr Ruth Waldick TSS, Bill Henderson: Moderator, Musician, Dr. Susan Hannon: President of the Salt Spring Island Conservancy, Mitchell Sherrin: Captain at Salt Spring Island Fire Rescue, Mark Whitear: Forester, Bryan Young: Chair TSS.…
Biochar Kilns
(Biochar is charcoal that is produced by burning biomass in the absence of oxygen; it is used as a soil amendment. Biochar is a stable solid that is rich in carbon and can endure in soil for thousands of years. Biochar is being investigated as a means of carbon sequestration and as a means to mitigate climate change. Biochar may increase the soil fertility of acidic soils, increase agricultural productivity, and provide…
Burn it Smart
Why waste wood and risk fires when you can “Burn it Smart”? Local firefighters are hosting the fourth annual “Burn it Smart” workshop to teach about wood heat. Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021 7 – 9pm on Zoom Pre-register at https://tinyurl.com/BurnSmart Salt Spring Island Fire Rescue (SSIFR) has invited Richard Elwell, from the Home Design Centre, to…
How to Plan Your Rainwater Harvesting System- Video
Join your Climate Action Coaches in the replay of our second webinar! How to Plan Your Rainwater Harvesting System November 9th 2021 7:00 pm on Zoom Watch here. If you are interested in installing cisterns to collect rainwater this rainy season, this webinar is for you. We are pleased to be joined by our guests: Shannon…
All About Heat Pumps Webinar Video
On behalf of all of us at Transition Salt Spring, thanks so much to our over 100 participants for attending our first Climate Action Coach Program webinar ‘All About Heat Pumps’ this past Wednesday evening. If we didn’t answer all of your questions, or you were not able to join us, you’ll find some resources…
Composting with Biochar
Composting with Biochar Video (filmed by Matt Cecill Visuals)By Rick Laing Rick explains the importance of adding biochar when building composts and by using no turn, low oxygen techniques, rich compost can be produced in 2 to 4 months. Biochar has remarkable absorptive qualities that store nutrients, microorganisms, water and odours. By keeping biochar composts…
Protest Tilbury LNG on the Fraser River
Friday July 30, 11am We’re holding an action to protest the expansion of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility that would drive more fracking in the province’s northeast. Feel free to bring banners and signs, and most importantly bring your friends to show the provincial government new fossil fuel projects are not acceptable in…
Forestry Solutions!
We believe forests are the key to solve MANY of our problems. Why? They are economic engines & job creators, fire suppressors and biodiversity enhancers, freshwater harvesters and food suppliers, as well as energy producers! On May 25th, we had an amazing discussion at our Climate Action Network meeting that we want you to hear!…
Invasive Species Impacts
Environment In natural ecosystems, invasive plants displace or destroy native plant populations. Many rare and endangered native plants are also at risk from extinction from non-native plant invasion. By removing the natural wildlife, invasive plants also reduce wildlife habitat. Aquatic & Riparian Shallow root systems can increase erosion, causing higher surface runoff, which increases stream…
Salt Spring Island Conservancy- Caring for your Land
We live in one of the rarest natural areas in Canada: the Coastal Douglas-fir ecosystem. This ecosystem is located in a narrow strip of low-lying land along the southeastern coast of Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands, and parts of the Lower Mainland and Sunshine Coast. On Salt Spring Island, about 75% of the land is…
Gardening with Native Plants
Lots of info on this Habitat Acquisition Trust page: https://www.hat.bc.ca/gardening-with-native-plants Do you want attractive, easy to maintain, drought tolerant gardens that attract birds and butterflies? The best plant choices for gardens are often the native plants that thrive naturally in our region. A native plant includes those species that were here prior to European settlement. Rewarding and…
CRD Native Plants info
What Are Native Plants? A native plant thrives naturally in a region, ecosystem or habitat without human introduction. Native plants are vital components of healthy and resilient ecosystems. They provide ecosystems services such as food and habitat for native wildlife. Unfortunately, invasive species, climate change and land-use change have reduced the number and habitat of…
Celebrating the Salish Sea
By Anne Parkinson, Published in The Driftwood, June 2, 2021 https://pages.pagesuite.com/0/6/063f2a15-9d0f-4e1c-b29a-300a404f38e2/page.pdf “…in every curving beach, in every grain of sand there is the story of the earth.” Rachel Carson How true this phrase is when exploring the coastline around xʷənen̕əč, Salt Spring Island. From rock to sand to shell, shallow bays to steep cliffs and…
Collaborative Forestry Solutions to Climate Change – Video
We believe forests are economic engines & job creators, fire suppressors and biodiversity enhancers, freshwater harvesters and food suppliers, as well as energy producers! A special Climate Action Network presentation with local regenerative forestry experts: Mitchell Sherrin (SS Fire Rescue), Michael Nickels (Seven Ravens Ecoforestry), Mark Lombard (Cortes Community Forest), Erik Piikkila (Yellow Point Ecological…
Join our working groups!
Email info@transitionsaltspring or check out the individual group pages for more info and contacts. EV (Electric Vehicles) Volunteers willing to join the group and support a variety of tasks to maintain and expand the EV network on SSI. RRPAG (Rainbow Road Park Allotment Gardens) Volunteers willing to help find more garden space for plots PLASTIC…
Climate Action Planning and Indicators Committee (CAPI) – Volunteers needed
Help with data collection, monitoring, reporting of GHG emissions and sequestration (including people familiar with Life Cycle Analysis, climate reporting and performance indicators) – especially at the community or regional level. Communicators and web content people, particularly those with skills to create interactive (dynamic) online resources and effective public information People with experience/interest in climate…
Fundraising Committee Volunteers Needed
Working with the fundraising committee to help write grants for specific projects and general operations Thinking creatively of other ways to raise money and activating those ideas Email darlene@transitionsaltspring.com for more info.
Engagement and Education Committee Volunteers Needed
Person(s) to help develop content related to the Climate Action Plan and to contact working groups and resource persons to discuss possibilities for education events related to their work on CAP issues Help with social media responding to public comments with positive, inspiring information. Writing articles for Driftwood, Exchange etc. Help planning and organising educational events: Help with organising…
Let’s Grow Together- Victory Gardens for Climate Resilience
Let’s Grow Together Follow up chat and links from our TSS event June 9th 2021 (Sincere apologies but the video recording of this event has disappeared into the ethers. The questions below give a good summary of the topics covered.) Thank you to all for your participation in this incredibly informative event on Growing together…
BURN WISE – Time to Prep Your Firewood for Next Year!
Sun yesterday, rain today. Lately, lounging in the brief blessing of early spring sun seems to be ideal, but after a too short while, the chillies return and there is a need to get moving! If you use a fireplace, and care about the planet, now is the time to get your wood in for…
To Burn or to Berm—Is there a question?
Photo (Source: https://www.newlifeonahomestead.com/swales/) A maturing berm – acting as swale – yard debris piled on contour to the land and planted over time – the woody compost creates moisture and nutrients to grow more plants and trees. . By Brandon Bauer, Permaculturalist, Salt Spring Island – reproduced from Island Tides Regional Newspaper, March 8, 2007…
Freshwater Stewardship for Challenging Times – Video
Did you miss this event on April 21, 2021? Good news! Below is the complete list of links offered along with the video recording. We all know that our island home routinely faces severe drought and fire risk conditions in the summer months, and these risks are increasing. But there’s a lot we can do…
Water Storage Options Presentation Resources- Video
Every year, nearly one cubic meter of water falls on every square meter of Salt Spring Island. So why do we have a water shortage problem? How and why should we collect and store water? On Sunday, April 18, at 3:00 pm, we hosted a free online zoom seminar about water conservation and storage on…
“Let’s Beef up our (Food) Security: Building Healthy Abundant Food Systems” Event Recording
Did you miss this event on May 19? Good News, you can watch the recorded presentations here! Salt Spring food growers are significantly reducing the GHG emissions we produce by keeping our food systems local. Here is our opportunity to learn what is underway on the island and what we can do to help increase…
Local Farm Resources
Where and how to purchase locally grown meats Salt Spring Farmers Institute Farm Directory Farm Stands and Studio Maps Facebook page for Farm Stands, Farmers, and Foodies of SSI Island Natural Growers- Local Chapter of Canadian Organic Growers Mentor Gardener Program Are you able to mentor or looking for a garden mentor? Contact Marian Hargrove (250-537-0864) Are you able to offer garden space?…
Freshwater resources
BLOG: rainwater harvesting and resources about water conservation GUIDE: SSI Non-Potable Rainwater Harvesting Best Practices VIRTUAL TOUR: SSI Rainwater Harvesting Systems WEBINAR: Rainwater Harvesting in the Islands Trust SSIWPA BROCHURE: “Know Your Well” Information about drilled well siting, licensing, registration, testing your well water, and much more! BOOKLET: SSI Lake Stream Ecosystems- Available for $5 at SS Books.…
Rebate Guide- Bring It Home 4 The Climate
Homes and buildings make up 30 to 50% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the capital region of British Columbia – mostly a result of the use of oil and natural gas for space and water heating and the low level of efficiency of homes in our region. The Bring It Home 4 Climate (Bring it…
Water Conservation – Small Island Solutions
Learn about Rainbow Road Allotment Gardens and the water conservation, catchment and irrigation systems that make this project a success! View Powerpoint Presentation Here
Infographic: How do forests mitigate climate change?
INFOGRAPHIC: How does a coastal douglas fir forest mitigate climate change?
Using Nature’s Ways to Fight the Climate Crisis
Video Presentation Recording: On Sunday, April 11th 2021, TSS hosted a presentation by one of Canada’s key biodiversity specialists, Dr. Risa Smith, who helped to clarify the possibilities for local and national science-based initiatives to address climate change. Nature-based solutions are now widely accepted around the world as essential tools for addressing both the Climate…
Report from Fairy Creek
May 2021 Please see here for updates. April 2021 Many local islanders have been spending time at the Fairy Creek Logging blockade in the past months. As the pressure builds invitations are extended to all to join the camp and see one of the last old growth forests and why she is worth a battle…
Rainwater collection tour
FREE TOURS Create your own inexpensive rainwater collection system for garden and outdoor chores. Tours by appointment March – May 2021 Call Sharon Bywater: (250) 537-5000 Sponsored by the Salt Spring Island Water Preservation Society & Salt Spring Island Watershed Protection Alliance Masks and social distancing will be required.
SSI Water Preservation Society ~ Native Plant Restoration and Elimination of Broom
Broom; beautiful, invasive, weed. When it’s tiny, we pull it, when it’s big, we cut it down (below ground level). Either way, we’re eradicating it from WPS-owned nature reserve watershed lands above St. Mary Lake – one plant at atime. And we take the broom we’ve pulled and give it to some grateful goats. We…
Urgent Appeal to Protect Salt Spring Old Growth Trees and Wetlands from Destruction. 40 acres of Larmour Legacy Lands
UPDATE NOV 2020 I’m very happy to be able to tell you that the project to protect the Larmour Lands took a big step forward the day before yesterday, with SSIWPS taking possession of the first of the two 20-acre lots, Lot H. This good news has been made possible by the remarkable level of…
Farmers’ Market Nutritional Coupon Program
This provincial wide program supports lower income families and seniors to shop at their local farmers market, while simultaneously supporting community farmers through direct coupon payouts. Participants receive $21 a week in coupons, for the entire 22 week season. The coupons are redeemed as cash or credit for fresh food at the Tuesday Farmers Market.…
Mentor Gardeners Available
Some years ago a group called Mentor Gardeners was formed at the request of Transition Salt Spring to help beginning gardeners increase food production locally. We have been active through the SS Garden Club and Seedy Saturdays since that time. Now we have enlarged the Mentor Gardener group to respond to the surge in interest in…
NEW TSS Repair Café Group
Transition Salt Spring is delighted to announce a new Repair Café group has started and joined TSS. This group will offer the community help and expertise in the repair of various household items (electronics, appliances, textiles, etc.) to divert them from landfills. Are you interested in volunteering a few hours of your time helping others…
Volunteer Opportunity – CRD Solid Waste Advisory Committee
The CRD is seeking volunteers to serve on the Solid Waste Advisory Committee. The committee provides input on solid waste management matters and advises on the development of our region’s new solid waste management plan. There are vacancies for members representing these communities: First Nations District of Highlandsenvironmentalgeneral public Interested? Please send a brief summary telling us about…
ASK SALT SPRING ~ Neighbours Helping Neighbours Find Answers!
Fridays 11-1pmOn Zoom – until protocols change.Request Zoom link at ask@asksaltspring.com January 15: Islands Trustees: Peter Grove (11-noon), LauraPatrick (noon-1)January 22: Restorative JusticeJanuary 29: Climate Action Any questions, Any time!Contact Gayle Baker:asksaltspring@gmail.com or 250-537-4482 ASK Salt Spring is a Community Alliance project. For previous reports and updates: https://www.saltspringcommunityalliance.org/ask-salt-spring-island
17 Actions to Promote Transition
‘Flipping the script on climate change! In his new book Climate, A New Story, Charles Eisenstein makes a case for a wholesale reimagining of the framing, tactics, and goals we employ in our journey to heal from ecological destruction. With research and insight, Charles details how the quantification of the natural world leads to a…
Climate Action Ideas
Climate Action Ideas, Fall Fair Raffle, 2011 53 ideas, collected over two days from the visitors to our booth Ride a bicycle. Buy used things from thrift stores. Do laundry in cold water, not hot. Increase recycling values to recover more recyclables. Cycle to school. Run a daily bus from Ganges to Vancouver on a…
TSS Top-Tips-of-the-Week
TOXIC MICROBEADS: Is ‘Poly’ Your True Friend? – by Dennis Lucarelli How do know which food, health or beauty product contains toxic microbeads? READ THE LABEL! The most earth-friendly and best-health choice for soaps & toothpastes use natural products (e.g. olive oil for soaps, baking soda[*] for brushing teeth) but if you do have store-bought…