Burn it Smart

Why waste wood and risk fires when you can “Burn it Smart”?

Local firefighters are hosting the fourth annual “Burn it Smart” workshop to teach about wood heat.

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021

7 – 9pm on Zoom

Pre-register at https://tinyurl.com/BurnSmart

Salt Spring Island Fire Rescue (SSIFR) has invited Richard Elwell, from the Home Design Centre, to talk about wood-burning appliances and Captain Mitchell Sherrin, from SSIFR, to talk about how to prevent chimney fires, and other fire safety tips. 

Partners from the SSI Conservancy and Transition Salt Spring will also be on hand to address environmental concerns.

If you have any questions about the “Burn it Smart” workshop or other safety issues, drop by the Ganges Fire Hall, give us a call (250) 537-2531, or check the website: www.saltspringfire.com.