Invasive Plant Drop Off Events 2022

Invasive Plant Drop Off Events are presented by the Native Plant Stewardship Working Group of Transition Salt Spring

This year there are two opportunities to drop off your invasive plants like gorse, broom, holly and daphne:

Saturday May 28 at the Community Gospel Hall, Vesuvius Bay Road, and
Saturday June 4 at Fulford Hall

Please, when you are cutting (and we do recommend cutting just below the surface, instead of pulling which disturbs the soil too much) be conscious that it is bird nesting season and watch for nests.
Please, no roots or dirt which can ruin the chipper blades.
Do not bring yellow flag iris (too wet for chipping), or Giant Hogweed (too toxic to handle) or Japanese Knotweed (needs to be buried to 10 feet to get rid of).

Do replace plantings with native plants like red flowering current, ocean spray, elderberry, Indian Plum, etc.