One Cool Island: How Do We Cope With The Challenges We Face?

By DARLENE GAGE, Transition Salt Spring

excerpt From the Driftwood, Dec 14, 2021

There is something changing in the air. Can you feel it?

Rain, heat, smoke.

Fear, division, loss.

It can be overwhelming to experience so much change and upheaval in such a short period of time. 

As humans, we are hard-wired to seek out security, and that seems to be in short supply these days.

We all need some hope that things will get better, that we will manage, that we can adapt to the changes and even thrive (despite or because of them).

Want to know how to reconnect to hope?

Get busy with people you like. 

Volunteer your time.

Give money to causes you believe in.

Share your anxieties with people you trust.

Connect with your neighbours. 

Lower your consumption on the daily.

Walk or bike when you can. In a forest. By the sea.

Use your voice to push our leaders to wake up and smell yee olde coffee. 

Learn from those who’ve come before, and those whose voices you’ve not heard before.

It’s like exercise, this muscle called ‘hope’. It needs to be used time and again to get stronger. 

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