More EV charging stations in the works for Salt Spring Island will reduce “range anxiety” for islanders and visitors who now know they can recharge in more locations. Visitors can more confidently use EV’s and take car trips to Salt Spring.
Abuzz with their success at the July 2015 TSS Electric Vehicle show, which generated at least ten verified electric-vehicle sales, Transition Salt Spring’s Electric Vehicle Group boasted an expanded fleet to 59 fully electric cars, a 20% increase from before the Vehicle show. That count includes five Tesla cars.
There are many event metrics that are available, but my favorite is that because of this single event, our local fully electric automotive fleet expanded significantly. This has raised the estimated reduction of our annual greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions from 179 to 216 tonnes, providing us with cleaner air for ourselves and our global neighbours.
This has also reduced our dependency on oil, a core mission of Transition Salt Spring. I am so proud of those particular results.
Public EV charger installations to-date include six Level 2 (higher-speed) electric chargers on-island: two at ArtSpring, one at Island Savings, one at Country Grocer, and one at Moby’s which also has a Tesla charging station. Three island Bed & Breakfasts have also added Level 2 chargers for use by their overnight guests.
TSS or other sponsors have been picking up the tab to pay for the electricity provided. New installations are being sought that require a pay-per-charge; but for the time being, users don’t pay. EV owners are encouraged with thanks to donate $20 to TSS each year toward their cost of covering the annual electric costs for the two stations at ArtSpring.
The TSS EV group is helping spread the word about the variety of electric cars and bicycles available as well as purchase rebates and other subsidies. Subsidy and rebate programs are often first-come, first-served. An unexpected pleasure of driving an EV is engine responsiveness, so – if you’re considering an EV now, here is your chance to “step on it” and contact the Transition Salt Spring EV Group.
An EVCS Rebate Program funds local B&B owners up to $250 to purchase and install a “Level 2” high-speed charger. The two charge-stations at ArtSpring are Level 2. Level 3 charges like those found in Victoria, will fully charge in roughly 30 minutes with typically, a modest fee.
The EV group may hold another EV event next summer. Last July’s EV event brought weekend visitors who collectively spent around $8,000 on accommodation and meals for a boost to our local businesses while hitting the brakes on global carbon emissions and fossil-fuel dependency.
– by Jim Standen, TSS EV Group coordinator