Why Healthy Forests Matter in Reducing Fire and Drought Risk with Erik Piikkila – Video

Why Healthy Forests Matter in Reducing Fire and Drought Risk with Erik Piikkila – Video

Watch the recording of this enlightening Q&A session with Erik Piikkila, a forest ecologist, as we explore the state of our local forest and the importance of caring for them. Our forests play a crucial role in reducing the risks of devastating fires and ensuring clean drinking water, making it vital for us to understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy forests as a landowner and community member.

Erik answers questions such as: How can we reduce the fire risk around our homes? Why are forests connected to our drinking water? Why is forest health important, and what can we do to promote it? And why should we care about doing anything about fostering healthy forests? He also discusses the importance of First Nations Traditional Ecological Knowledge and how we can learn from it to better manage our forests. 

In this session, you will gain valuable insights into sustainable forest management practices in the context of climate change and how you can enhance the state of our forests. Whether you are a homeowner or simply concerned about the health of our forests, this session will provide you with the knowledge you need to make a difference.

Read more in the May 24, 2023 Driftwood article: https://www.gulfislandsdriftwood.com/healthy-forests-can-help-protect-us-from-disasters/