
Forestry Solutions!

We believe forests are the key to solve MANY of our problems.  Why? They are economic engines & job creators, fire suppressors and biodiversity enhancers, freshwater harvesters and food suppliers, as well as energy producers! On May 25th, we had an amazing discussion at our Climate Action Network meeting that we want you to hear!…
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Infographic: How do forests mitigate climate change?

INFOGRAPHIC: How does a coastal douglas fir forest mitigate climate change?
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Coast Alive Recreational and Ecological Services

Coast Alive Recreational and Ecological Services was founded on Salt Spring in 2006.  It is an environmental business that offers a variety of outdoor services that help property owners or land stewards maintain and enjoy a healthy and natural landscape in a low-impact way.  The services include invasive plant control, wildlife habitat enhancement, ecosystem restoration…
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