Marine Stewardship Group

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Our mission is to work with science and passion to protect our oceans and marine ecosystems and ensure the health of our magnificent coastline for centuries to come.

All are welcome to join!

To get involved please contact Anne Parkinson


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Connection and Collaboration

Our first step is to connect with other groups on Salt Spring Island and around the Salish Sea in order to coordinate efforts, explore collaboration, and gather expert knowledge to establish a baseline and develop a marine section of CAP 2.0. with specific goals and actions.



Education and Enjoyment

Our second step is education; writing for print and TSS website on marine topics, hosting zoominarscelebrating global and local ocean days, hosting outdoor walks of the marine environment.




Action and Advocacy

Our third step is advocacy; creating awareness of marine related issues that citizens can choose to support via letter writing to government and private sector, ensuring marine related issues become part of election platforms.

Marine News, Resources, & Events

Herring Fishery Petition

HELIT TŦE SȽOṈ,ET (Let the Herring Live) Please consider signing this e-petition spearheaded by MP Gord Johns, NDP fisheries critic, House of Commons official e-petition to stop the herring fishery.  Petition closes March 12th 2020. Please share with your networks. DFO’s draft herring IFMP (Integrated Fisheries Management Plan) which dictates the roe herring fishery for next March…
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Sea Level Rise Workshop

This is a reminder that the Islands Trust will be hosting, with Living Oceans, a sea level rise workshop on Monday, January 28, 2019 on Salt Spring Island (details below). This workshop is designed to help communities begin planning for the impacts of sea level rise. The goal is to share information on sea level…
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Call for Salish Sea Day of Action Volunteers!

A sneak peek at Salt Spring’s own “Salish Sea Day of Action” Sept 15th events…. This is a call for volunteers !! First, we’re holding a PARADE! ~ during the Fall Fair and Saturday Market on Sept 15th, join a pod of orca whales for a joyful march up Rainbow Road, through the Fair and…
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