Fire and Drought Resources

Hwmet'utsum - Mt.Maxwell Project Presentation

Reducing Climate Risks in the Mt Maxwell Creek Watershed

July 11, 2022

A Presentation of Fire and Water Risks on Mt Maxwell, Salt Spring Island by Ecologist and Climate Change Specialist Dr Ruth Waldick and Forest Carbon and Ecological Restoration Expert Robert Seaton

Ruth Waldick and Pierre Mineau

CBC Features Ruth Waldick and the Mt. Maxwell Project Team

July 4, 2022

Maxwell Lake, along with the watershed, provides water for about half of Salt Spring Island and the team is taking a look at how to protect this crucial freshwater source. We are so proud of this team and the work they are doing for our community! If you’d like to learn more check out the…

Ruth Waldick Wins the Islands Trust 2022 Community Stewardship Awards!

July 4, 2022

Ruth Waldick Wins the Islands Trust 2022 Community Stewardship Awards! Congratulations to our very own Ruth Waldick who won the Islands Trust 2022 Community Stewardship Awards! The Islands Trust Council recognized six individuals and one organization for work that supports the Islands Trust’s mandate to protect and preserve. The Community Stewardship Awards celebrate and acknowledge…

Mt. Maxwell Forest

Notes from the Field: Updates from the Mt. Maxwell Team

July 4, 2022

Intern Simona Taronna Writes an Update from the Field 9:00 am and the little parking lot by the “No Trespassing” North Salt Spring Waterworks District sign on Maxwell Road is packed. There is excitement in the air as an eclectic group of ecologists, foresters, restoration experts, technicians, students and volunteers gather in the field. It…

Mt. Maxwell Creek Watershed

Maxwell Creek Watershed Project Field Files Part 1: Project Impetus

July 4, 2022

By Shauna Doll, Gulf Islands Forest Project Coordinator A watershed-level restoration initiative focusing on improving ecological integrity within local forests Transition Salt Spring has partnered with experts and organizations from across the Coastal Douglas-fir biogeoclimatic zone, including Raincoast Conservation Foundation, to provide a model for on-the-ground, multidisciplinary, multisectoral, and collaborative climate action.  Gulf Islands Forest…


Learning from Nature: Nature-based Approaches to Restoration in the Maxwell Creek Watershed

July 4, 2022

People have relied on what we call Maxwell Lake and the surrounding watershed for thousands of years, for water, food, and other resources provided by the forests. These forests support a range of wildlife, cougars, bears, songbirds, waterfowl, amphibians, fish and beavers. The tall crowns of coastal Douglas-fir trees reach for the sky with large,…

Video- Forests, Water, Fire … An evening of dynamic discussion on how to beat the heat and steward our own backyard

November 1, 2021

Wednesday, October 27, 2021 6:30 – 8:30 pm via zoom Thank you to all who joined us for this dynamic discussion with Dr Ruth Waldick TSS, Bill Henderson: Moderator, Musician, Dr. Susan Hannon: President of the Salt Spring Island Conservancy, Mitchell Sherrin: Captain at Salt Spring Island Fire Rescue, Mark Whitear: Forester, Bryan Young: Chair TSS.…

Burn it Smart

October 25, 2021

Why waste wood and risk fires when you can “Burn it Smart”? Local firefighters are hosting the fourth annual “Burn it Smart” workshop to teach about wood heat. Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021 7 – 9pm on Zoom Pre-register at Salt Spring Island Fire Rescue (SSIFR) has invited Richard Elwell, from the Home Design Centre, to…

One Cool Island: Smoke Sends Clear Signals About Our Forests

July 26, 2021

By ANDREA PALFRAMAN published in the Driftwood July 20, 2021 In the midst of summer’s idyll, there is an ominous haze on the horizon. Clobbered by a record-smashing heatwave, and the tragic fire that destroyed Lytton, the spectre of forest fires looms large in the Gulf Islands. As we consult maps and scan the skies for…

Facing Fire Building Resiliency to Wildfire- Video

July 26, 2021

WILL WE MANAGE FIRE OR WILL FIRE MANAGE US? It’s not a matter of if fire occurs — it’s a matter of when. Fire is an essential evolutionary force on our planet. We’ve convinced ourselves in North America for over 100 years that we’ve know best how to deal with wildfire. The policy of “the only good wildfire is one…